Kirsten Jahn

Client Background

2010 was a big year for Tastykake. My employer at the time was charged with redoing their entire e-commerce strategy as well as fulfillment of all orders. I had the awesome opportunity to redesign their entire corporate and shop sites. It was a lot of fun since their product is so fun!

Larger Views

Site home

Site home

Green bakery page

Green bakery page

Product catalog page

Product catalog page

Shop home

Shop home

Shop product grid

Shop product grid

Shop cart page

Shop cart page

Shop checkout page

Shop checkout page

Project Stats

Date Completed: September 2010

Software: Adobe Photoshop, BBEdit, Microsoft Visual Studio

Awards & Accolades

2010 Silver Award, Davey Awards, Website, Consumer Products/Services category

2010 Silver Award, Davey Awards, Website, Food & Beverage category